Trucks collecting Solid waste From Municipality
     Before thinking about solid waste management I think it will be appreciable if we thought one minute about the waste whatever it e produced by we ourselves. In everyday life we consume lots of things to eat, to wear and many thing else. I don’t think there is anything rapped form outside and what I don’t think too is nature was itself given cover to every fruits. We don’t have consumed anything that is covering till the day. Have we?
      Once we everyone should think where does it go after we used? Where did we throw it? Are we managing it properly? Why are we polluting the environment? Is it good?
After all these questions we should have spirit to answer to this question
Should we start ourselves to manage it and make the world more beautiful?
     Kathmandu is the capital city of Nepal. Everyone of this country wants to migrate into this valley. This is so beautiful and center of attraction to tourist. Here are lots of temples. Every year millions of tourists visit this valley. The inhabitant of this place is 1744240 according to census 2011. But the population density is 4400 per sq. km. which is too high. It is total area is 395 sq. km
Collected  waste from Society
Heap of Collected waste

   Every day loads of solid waste is produced by these many people. I think there is lack of knowledge among people and reluctance of Nepal government to manage the waste produced. People here are too busy that they use most of the time ready-made food items. The rappers produced from it are thrown haphazardly. Metropolitan city has taken the responsibility of managing it but still it is not sufficient that only metropolitan city can manage. people themselves should be aware of it and should try to help.
Here in Kathmandu metropolitan city is collecting every day and depositing it at Teku near balkhu.

     Every day   from 5:00 am in the morning to 2:00 pm on day 60-70 truck start collecting the waste deposited by the local people at their houses. These trucks were somehow helped by government of china. They have also managed the rolling dust bin at different places to collect the rubbish waste on the way of people.
     For the waste management there are around 300 workers, working daily. They collect all the waste as much as possibly from 35 wards. In average they collect 150 ton/day of waste. We were seeing one great hill like heap of waste. That was of about 2-3 months waste. In the session of 3-4 rounds they use the chemical like phenol to decrease the bad smell. It is so effective to decrease the bad smell and less toxic. It is under the control of Ministry of local development and coordination by Kathmandu metropolitan city.
     As in abroad here is not the facility of separation the waste into various categories. Not even it is reutilized in any way. Here the area of it is so small that if can`t accommodate any more waste then how they can separate. It was actually active into this metropolitan city after 2048 BS. It is collected here at teku and sends to Sisdol of Wokharpuwa at Nuwakot for landfill. There was some hour labors and contractor who separate the waste accordingly into reusable and non-reusable and sent to India by brokers. The labors are given money for it. They are paid 250 to 300 Nrs per pack, said Naresh Raj Kunwar, an employer at teku per day one truck can do only 1 to 2 trip to sisdol. It is 35 km away from teku. There are local people too they are somehow objecting for landfill. It is polluting the environment around there. Government is trying to manage it somehow.
       At the time of our visit at Teku, people at Sisdol (landfill site) were striking due to which the waste of Kathmandu was not collected due to which City was smelling too bad and too much polluted. They were placing some requirement to metropolitan city i.e. need of ambulance e and clear road. Because the land filling activity was disturbing their road and making them difficulty.
     Now recently 9 month back in 2073 BS. Nepal government has thought about reusing policy. The organic wastes that can be composted and reused are being used at Teku. With the help of European Union (EU) and others they are separating decomposable organic things and producing electricity. The amount of electricity is 14 KW. They are consuming 1-2 ton of waste per day.
Waste reusing Machine at Teku
There are certain Parts:
1.       Chopper
2.       Mixer
3.       Collector
4.       Balloon
5.       Filter
6.       Electric Chamber
There are certain steps:
1.       Separation
2.       Collection and Chopping
3.       Mixing
4.       Pumping
5.       Collecting Gas
6.       Filtering Gas
7.       Electricity production.
   The Organic usable waste is separated and collected on the table at chopper. It is chopped into small pieces. The equal amount of chopped waste and water is mixed into mixer. It is rotated and pumped to the collector. There are two great chambers for collecting. Here gas is produced. During first time of its establishment and gas production 8000 kg of cow/buffalo Dung was used. There was yellow pipe to collect to collect the gas produced. It is then sent to the balloon for its collection. There was separate house inside which there was a large balloon was held inside. The total gas produced can’t be used so It is to be filtered and finally only Methane is to be extracted. Because only methane is used up by machine to produce electricity.
     In this way we can reuse the reusable waste. If it is done in large scale then it will be beneficial to we everyone .we can preserve beauty of our society.
There are certain categories of waste i.e. Decomposable , non-decomposable, Toxic , Nontoxic etc.
·         We can separately collect the waste according to categories.
·         Only throw the waste into dustbin. (make the habit)
·         Educate the people if they are unknown.
“Give Your Best and Don’t worry About the Rest”-Bhart rawot
If we will do this then certainly this incredibly beautiful world will be beautiful once again and there will be no Fear to be scared of Disease and death due to pollution. We can freely enjoy this world once again.
“YES, It is possible we can enjoy this beautiful world once again”- YATUKU

Yes, We together Can do It