Respected seniors,

                                Once a old man was sick enough to his unconsciousness. His children were not taking care of him. They were being so irresponsible that, even they were not meeting their father. A gentleman of the village came nearby the old man and asked about his children. The old man full of tear over his eyelid told everything. The gentleman called all his children and grandchildren too.  The gentleman asked a question; why they were not taking care of their father? All children make different issue to escape the situation. Then the gentleman asked again, how much do you love your children? They all replied at once; they love their children so much. Then again gentleman said; have you ever thought that how much does your father loves his children. They were speechless. Finally, gentleman said do you want love and respect from your children or not? They were speechless again. The gentleman was my father and I was there nearby.

    It is really important to have you all in each and every step of our life because no matter how old are you, no matter one month older, no matter even if one hour older than you are. It even doesn’t matter hundred years older. It matter only is that you are older than us. You have smelled this world more than us. It matters because you have the greatest things in this world, which is experience. Your experience is the key to find the way out. Scientist never discovers anything new and gives to this world, they only explore the things and phenomenon that already exists in this world. Your experience are so precious for us; our senior. No matter how dark path you followed and enlightened. Now and onward it will be enlightened forever. You have made the way easy and clear for us. You should give your index finger to catch and make us to follow you. When I use to be with my father over his shoulder during my childhood, I use to think a lot. I use to think I was the only tallest person of this world. We need your help; you need our love, affection, care, and respect, senior.

     We don’t know whether there is hell or not but we know there is heaven obviously. The only heaven in this world was our home where we took birth and you called us your children. Then only we had searched for another heaven if there exist. There will be hell if we think we made you unhappy. If we don’t let you play with our children. If we let you and force you to go old age home. But we promise you that we are not gone let you.

Our upcoming generation will be waiting your warm welcome. They need your love, they need you care, They need your affection. They will be very thankful to you.

You’re sincerely,

“Each parents of every children taught them life lesson”-TUNAM